Activities  >  Natural wonders  >  Wildlife Refuges
Whether managed by Parcs Québec or other entities, the primary mission of wildlife reserves is to protect the animals on the land. Vast and wild forested lands are perfect paradises for enjoying outdoor activities of all kinds. It is also possible to go hunting and fishing at wildlife reserves, be it on foot, in a rowboat, aboard a canoe or kayak, and, in the winter, on snowshoes or skis. The concepts of living in harmony with nature and sustainable development are applied with the aim of safeguarding and respecting the animals living on the land. Wildlife reserves are also magnificent places where grandiose landscapes are transformed into pure enchantment. Adventuring into a reserve is getting back in touch with yourself deep in nature.
Our suggestions - Wildlife Refuges
Cabins at réserve faunique des Laurentides
There are over a hundred cabins spread throughout almost the entire reserve faunique des Laurentides. They can each sleep 2 to 16 people. Most of them ...
Cabins at réserve faunique Ashuapmushuan
The réserve faunique Ashuapmushuan, located in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, offers magnificent chalets for 2 to 3 people on the shores of Lac Chigoubiche ...
Réserve faunique Ashuapmushuan
This vast wildlife territory takes its name from the most lively of its rivers, the Ashuapmushuan. Fish lovers frequent its lakes, among others, for walleye ...