Activities  >  Directory of attractions  >  Montérégie  >  Saint-Bruno  >  Nordic Spa  >  Förena Cité thermale

Förena Cité thermale 

Open year round
250, rang des Vingt Cinq Est
Saint-Bruno (Qc), Canada
J3V 0B6

Give the Förena deep relaxation experience

Förena Cité thermale
Gift card: Variable price
Info / Book Call
Navigate further, wherever you desire. Cross bridges go off the beaten track. Offer wellbeing and inner calm.
Additional information
Please allow a maximum of 48 hours to receive a gift card purchased online.
Please note any package or treatment gift card can be replaced with the purchase of any other Förena product or service of equivalent value.
Note : is not responsible for posted prices or information provided during the reservation of a product.