Activities  >  Excursions  >  Interpretation
In Quebec, interpretation centres abound and make the way for enriching discoveries. These centres may just as easily feature the rich heritage of a region or a city, as nature in its many forms: marine, freshwater and forest habitats, Quebec’s fauna, salt marshes, etc. Additionally, agritourism and terroir products often take the spotlight; Economuseums® are interpretation sites where young and old alike can take pleasure in discovery. Various talented artisans open up their doors to share their passion for their craft and heritage. Visitors can observe the artisan at work while getting to know the history and techniques of the craft, purchase magnificent products and delights made on site. Interpretation signs located along hiking trails or in the parks are also an excellent means to perfect your knowledge of the place visited.
Our suggestions - Interpretation
Ura - La célébration de l'eau
In Chandler, on the shores of Bourg de Pabos, Basque goddess Lamia invites you to discover an incredible water path. This mysterious woman will hand you ...
Ferme Manowin
On your next visit to Anticosti (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), don't miss a visit to the Manowin inc. oyster farm. Manowin Film inc. operating under the ...
Manoir-Papineau National Historic Site
Located in Montebello, the Manoir-Papineau National Historic Site represents one of the most treasured heritage locations in the area surrounding the Petite ...
255 Suggestions
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Auberge Godefroy
Starting at
Par Quebecgetaways
Électrium, Hydro-Québec's Electricity Interpretation Centre