Regions  >  Quebec tourist regions  >  Nunavik  >  Kuujjuaq  >  Lodging
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Auberge Kuujjuaq Inn
CP 21
Kuujjuaq, Qc, Canada
J0M 1C0
L'Hôtel de L'Association Coopérative de Fort Chimo
Pavillon Inukshuk Lodge
The baie d’Ungava has treasures in store! Its unforgettable landscapes and huge Arctic char will make this the fishing trip of a lifetime. Take a journey to the 59th parallel for a remote and breathtaking experience.
Camp d'Été de Kuujjuaq Youth Summer Camp
L'Ancien Hôtel de Fort Chimo
Village Nordique
Kuujjuaq, Qc, Canada
J0M 1C0