Regions  >  Quebec tourist regions  >  Côte-Nord  >  Rivière-Pentecôte
Rivière-Pentecôte is located in the Côte-Nord tourist region, about 767 km from Montréal and 541 km from Québec. To plan your next getaway in Rivière-Pentecôte, consult the Attractions, Events and Accommodations directories. To learn more about this municipality, you can also consult Côte-Nord - Entre nature et démesure's website.

Baie-Comeau : 734, rue de Puyjalon / Sept-îles : 312, avenue Brochu
Baie-Comeau (Qc), Canada
G5C 1M8
1 888 463-0808
Near by towns
Activities to do in the city of Rivière-Pentecôte
Lodging in the city of Rivière-Pentecôte
Camping (1)  
Chalet, condo ou résidence de tourisme (1)  
Information and services
Bureau d'information  (1)