Activities  >  Directory of attractions  >  Québec region  >  Château-Richer  >  Equipment Rental  >  Roulottes E. Turmel inc.

Roulottes E. Turmel inc. 

7010, boulevard Sainte-Anne
Château-Richer (Qc), Canada
G0A 1N0
Québec region
At Roulotte E. Turmel, you can rent recreational vehicles that can accommodate up to 6 people and are 22 to 30 feet long. These RVs for rent are sure to make your vacation a pleasant one. And for extra convenience, you can opt to have your vehicle delivered to the location of your choice and for as long as you need it.

7010, boulevard Sainte-Anne
Château-Richer (Qc), Canada
G0A 1N0