Regions  >  Destinations  >  Côte-Nord  >  Tourisme Baie-Comeau

Tourisme Baie-Comeau 

20, avenue Cartier
Baie-Comeau (Qc), Canada
G4Z 0A2
Tourisme Baie-Comeau - Côte-Nord
In Baie-Comeau, you can enjoy parks, ponds, hiking trails, beaches, and even admire whales… all without ever leaving the city! You’ll be entranced by the dancing waves on the river or by the interplaying lights shining through the stained-glass windows illuminating the glorious frescoes of the Sainte-Amélie Church. At the Jardin des glaciers, you can learn more about the passing of glaciers thousands of years ago and about the current challenges with climate change. Baie-Comeau, a vast landscape full of heart, offers you a unique and unforgettable experience.

20, avenue Cartier
Baie-Comeau (Qc), Canada
G4Z 0A2
