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Adventure/Outdoor Tourism in Quebec
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Kayaks et Nature
Kayaks et Nature organise des excursions qui sillonnent le fleuve sur 3km en amont ou en aval de Saint-Antoine-de Tilly. La flotille de kayaks de mer compte deux tandems et quatre solos. Un guide expérimenté accompagne toujours l'équipée.
ABV Kayak & Excursions
1199, chemin de la Rivière Rouge
Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, Qc, Canada
J0V 1B0
Kamoutik Aventure
665, Saint-Aimé, Route 132
Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon, Qc, Canada
G0S 2W0
Chenil des Grands Versants
Attractions Boréales
Authentic lodgings and adventures for everyone, with custom packages ranging from one week to a month. Dogsledding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, wildlife watching, fishing, photography and more. Accommodations in log cabins, wall tents or tipis. Enjoy an ...
Évasion Nature / Expéditions K9
Imagine advancing to the rhythm of the dogs footsteps in the snow, driving your own team through wooded trails in the vastness of the boreal forest, covered with a thick white carpet. With your team of 6 to 12 dogs accompanied by a guide or a passenger ...
Chiens et Gîte du Grand Nord (Les)
Éco Plein Air
67, chemin de la Vallée
Lac-Beauport, Qc, Canada
G3B 1H5
Gîte et Aventures du Loup Polaire
Sportdirect - ParaskiFlex