Experience the horror of La Ronde’s Fright Fest!

Attractions to discover, September 18, 2023 2023-09-18
Fright Fest
Don’t miss La Ronde’s Fright Fest!

It’s already that time of year when ghosts, zombies and other monsters take over the La Ronde theme park during Fright Fest, delighting horror fans and thrill-seekers who dare to venture in. On weekends from October 7 to 29, and on Monday, October 9, don’t miss the kick-off to the event, “L’éveil de la frayeur” (The Awakening of Fear), at 5:30 p.m., a frightening performance featuring more than twenty characters, each more horrific than the last.

NEW: Stage right, stage left… and stage “haunted”!

Think you’ve got the stomach for it? At the new haunted theatre, the only thing that’s guaranteed is chills down your spine. Summon up your courage and step inside this movie theatre that was once the scene of a terrible tragedy. But now that the place seems to be coming back to life, how is it that you can still feel the evil spirits of the actors and patrons who haunt the place...? Hear their creepy whispers as they wander around you...? At this haunted theatre, tickets are reserved for only the bravest souls. Do you dare to enter?

NEW: A tour not for the faint of heart

Fright Fest turns La Ronde into a gloomy, disturbing place! If you’re a fan of horror and you like to be scared, you’re sure to get a thrill along the brand-new trail, which takes you through five universes that are increasingly terrifying. Take a far-from-gentle stroll through a graveyard to reach the spider-strewn trail, meet ugly monsters, roam with terrifying new walking characters and battle zombies. But be warned, this trail is so scary that it’s not recommended for young children.

NEW: Mixing chills and science-fiction

A new kind of haunted house! You’re a passenger aboard a spaceship on an expedition to an old human’s base in outer space that’s been abandoned for years, but things don’t go exactly as planned. You soon realize that the base’s occupants are no longer the same, and that you need to get out of there as quickly as possible. A thrilling adventure that’s sure to make you break out in a cold sweat.

Walking along a frightening trail
Watch out for the creepy characters along the way...

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