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Authentik Canada 

7680, rue St-Hubert
Montréal (city of) (Qc), Canada
H2R 2N6

Family zone

Authentik Canada
Prices vary
Info / Book Call
Discover Quebec with your family: from Montréal to the wilderness of the Mauricie region, from the beaches of Lac St-Jean and whales of Tadoussac to the historic charm of Québec City.
This package includes
8-day itinerary

Additional information
The itinerary includes the following regions: Mauricie, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Côte-Nord, Charlevoix and Québec City.
Please visit the website for more information about the itinerary, car rental, activities offered at each site and pricing conditions.
Note : is not responsible for posted prices or information provided during the reservation of a product.