Activities  >  Outdoor activities  >  Hunting and Fishing  >  Our suggestions  >  Abitibi-Témiscamingue
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Auberge de la Pourvoirie Lac la Truite
Stay at an outfitter in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region
A stay at an outfitter is like an all-inclusive vacation in the woods with, as a bonus, experts providing advice to improve your hunting or fishing techniques. Our region is known as a fisher’s paradise when it comes to walleyes and northern pikes, but ...
Parc national d'Opémican
Experience this brand new national park and explore the pristine rivière and lac Kipawa and the cliffs of lac Témiscamingue. Gather around the fire, under giant pine trees, and listen to Anishinabeg legends. It’s the new remedy for your daily grind!
Campground at parc national d'Opémican
Attention all rustic camping enthusiasts! For direct contact with nature, to get away from it all in total peace, camping Paroi-aux-Faucons at camping du parc national Opémican has everything it takes to seduce you. Located in the Rivière Kipawa adventure ...
Parc national d’Aiguebelle
Come observe traces of the ice age, lava flows and rocks that are 2.7 billion years old. This exceptional protected national park is a haven of tranquility. Moose sightings are not uncommon as this region is home to the largest concentration of this species ...