Lodging  >  Directory  >  Chaudière-Appalaches  >  Scott  >  Hotel  >  La Cache à Maxime

La Cache à Maxime 

Establishment number : 230263
Open year round
265, rue Drouin
Scott (Qc), Canada
G0S 3G0

Promotion Sweet Spring +1 on your hotel stay

La Cache à Maxime
Book a night at the hotel with a Sunday-to-Thursday package, between April 1 and June 18, 2024, and get one consecutive night free with your stay!
Info / Book Call
Additional information
The promotion is valid for nights from Sunday to Thursday. The added night cannot be a Friday or Saturday under any circumstances.
Reservations by phone only: 418-387-5060
The night offered free of charge will be the least expensive.
Not applicable to cottage and chalet rentals.
Valid on new reservations only.
On stays already booked, there will be no refund of nights, but you may add 1 free weeknight to your stay, subject to availability.
This promotion cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion on accommodation.
This promotion cannot be combined with a corporate package.
Certain conditions apply.
Note : Quebecvacances.com is not responsible for posted prices or information provided during the reservation of a product.