Activities  >  Directory of attractions  >  Montérégie  >  Brossard  >  Sports Complex/Centre  >  Oasis Surf

Oasis Surf 

Open year-round
9520, boulevard Leduc, suite 01
Brossard (Qc), Canada
J4Y 0B3

The Oasis Surf gift card, the perfect gift to offer this year!

Oasis Surf
Gift card starting at $ 25
Info / Book Call
Looking for the perfect gift? Offer Oasis Surf to your friends, family, employees and colleagues!  
Additional information
Applicable on surfing, at Le Turf restaurant and at the boutique.
Activation of this gift card establishes acceptance of these terms.
This gift card is accepted as payment for the product or service for which this card was issued.
Prices of products and services are subject to change without notice.
Gift cards are not redeemable for cash or refundable and cannot be replaced in the event of damage, loss or theft.
Note : is not responsible for posted prices or information provided during the reservation of a product.