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Tourism Villages - Bas-Saint-Laurent
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Village de Cacouna
En 1758, des Acadiens fuyant la déportation s’installent à Cacouna, peu après quelques pêcheurs implantés sur la presqu’île. À partir de 1845, de riches familles bourgeoises de commerçants montréalais anglophones y font construire de grandes villas que ...
Village de Notre-Dame du Portage
Village de Saint-Pacôme-de-Kamouraska
The charm of Saint-Pacôme comes from its topography. Located a little behind the agricultural plain that borders the St. Lawrence, it is next to the town of Rivière-Ouelle. Salmon swim up the river to the gorge above the village, where fishermen await ...
Village de Kamouraska
In addition to its rich architectural and historical heritage, Kamouraska, a spectacular place, amazes visitors with the beauty, diversity, harmony and serenity of its landscapes. The first settlers arrived around 1692. Located on the shore of the St ...