Generating stations, dams and interpretation centres: This summer, Hydro-Québec invites you to make electrifying discoveries across Quebec! It’s free!

Attractions to discover, June 5, 2023 2023-06-05
This summer, Hydro-Québec invites you to make electrifying discoveries!
This summer, Hydro-Québec invites you to make electrifying discoveries! Photo credit: Hydro-Québec

The time has come to take a break and re-energize. Feel like going on a short getaway or setting out on an adventure? Why not visit Hydro-Québec sites open to the public?

Did you know that Hydro-Québec offers free tours of thirteen facilities—generating stations, dams and interpretation centres—located all over the province?

These facilities represent chapters in the story of Quebec’s economic and technological evolution. Each has an interpretation centre that looks back at defining moments in Hydro-Québec’s history and offers free guided tours. Guides explain how electricity is produced and the long process it takes to get it all the way to our homes. They also talk about the different stages involved in the construction of generating stations, the architectural choices that were made and the facility’s connection with the environment. The tours are filled with memorable moments. A must for the whole family!

Electricity at the heart of life!

At the Électrium in the Montérégie region, visitors can explore the multiple facets of electricity and its presence at the very heart of life and nature. A guided tour of the interpretation centre is also an opportunity to learn more about voltage, electrical circuits, electric and magnetic fields and the production of hydroelectricity. In the company of experienced guides, your kids will enjoy a fun, enriching and interactive experience. They’re sure to love the electric eels and the Van de Graaff generator, which produces 400,000 volts of static electricity and makes your hair stand on end!

Click here to learn more!

Hydro-Québec offers free guided tours
Hydro-Québec offers free guided tours. Photo credit:

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