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Brome-Missisquoi Wine Route (Route des vins)
Discover nature, meet with people and learn about yourself, for a week or a weekend, with or without a plan. Brome-Missisquoi, in the Eastern Townships, is the perfect destination for something like this. Listen to the fascinating stories of the owners ...
La Route des artisans
Enjoy a unique experience as you criss-cross the magnificent landscapes of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, and let yourself be seduced by the warm welcome of passionate creators who open their doors wide to you! The Circuit des Arts brings together 13 artists ...
Charlevoix Flavours Road
Charlevoix’s Flavour Trail comprises of more than forty producers, processors, and passionate chefs of the region who open their doors wide to tourists. What luck to discover one by one the delicious regional products of Charlevoix. Taking the legendary ...
The Shore Road
Fasten your seat belt on the Saint-Lawrence Route, 78-km of beautiful scenery that extends infinitely along the Saint-Lawrence. From Baie-Saint-Paul to La Malbaie, through Les Éboulements, Saint-Irénée and Isle-aux-Coudres, the intoxicating ocean fragrances ...
Charlevoix Mountain Route
On landlocked routes crisscrossing the nation parks or on rural villages winding roads, the word adventure gains altitude. Photogenic from top to bottom, the Mountain Road leads to happiness in a fun way, whether on a dizzying hike, or climbing mountain ...
ANISIPI (which means pure water, life source, in Algonquin) Activity circuit to discover water. A touristic activity that highlights the natural and cultural heritage of Amos-Harricana, a vast territory marked by the thousand-year-old history of the Anicicape ...
La Balade Gourmande
From October 5 to 13, 2024
A happening spot for fine foods, the Balade Gourmande of Victoriaville features well marked, most colourful routes in the Centre-du-Québec region where you can meet passionate producers and taste their finely crafted products. Explore the routes lined ...
Cité Mémoire
Loosely inspired by the history of Montreal, Cité Mémoire invites you to meet a host of characters who’ve witnessed the city’s evolution first-hand. Poetic, dreamlike and occasionally playful, the tableaux come alive with images, words and music. Projected ...
Arts et Saveurs Portneuf
Arts et Saveurs Portneuf
From September 21 to 22, 2024
The Route Arts et Saveurs de Portneuf is an event about arts and food, including open houses of several arts studios and farms in the region that welcome the public for a weekend in September. Discover food producers and processors as well as artists ...
he “Chemin du Terroir”, inaugurated in October 2010, is a signposted trail that takes you through more than 226 kilometres of country backroads and byways, with discoveries to make at every turn. The Laurentians’ terroir features a wealth of agricultural ...