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Airlines in Quebec
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A regional carrier established in Quebec since 2001, Air Liaison is part of the La Québécoise group, which includes Autobus La Québécoise, Héli-Express, Skyjet, Skymedic and Saniterre Environnement. Air Liaison is mainly based in Abitibi, the North Shore ...
Nolinor Aviation
Founded in 1992, Nolinor Aviation is the largest airline carrier offering specialized commercial charter flights in Canada. Thanks to the fleet of aircraft, which can be readily configured numerous ways, they continuously meet their clients varying needs ...
Exact Air
Exact Air operates in Saint-Honoré. In addition to the air taxi, flight school and forest fire detection, it offers you the chance to take a guided tour of the Saguenay, flying over the fjord and towns. Exact Air enowned in aviation for the quality of ...
Pascan Aviation
Since 1999, Pascan Aviation's mission, as Québec’s largest independent air carrier, has been to provide an affordable link between the regions and the major centres. It offers daily flights to many municipalities as well as charter flights throughout ...
Chrono Aviation
More than just an air charter service, Chrono Aviation acts as your technical consultant to help you optimize your air travel. Its experts can make life easier by organizing and coordinating your private flights. Based in Montréal, Québec City and Rimouski ...
Passport Hélico
Passport Helico is an international recognized helicopter flight training unit and a Canadian helicopter operator. The instructors and the school are proud to train generations of helicopter pilots and to have supported them during the first years of ...
Air Creebec inc.
Air Creebec inc. is a regional airline based in Waskaganish, Quebec. It operates regularly scheduled flights, charter and freight services to 16 destinations in Quebec and Ontario. The main bases are located at the Val-d’Or, Montreal and Timmins airports ...
Propair stands out as a specialist in Nordic charter flights! With more than 50 years of operations in northern territory or remote regions, and in partnership with Air Creebec, Propair proposes to be YOUR air carrier for travel in Nord-du-Québec, and ...
Jazz Aviation
Jazz is part of the Chorus Aviation group of companies. Chorus Aviation Inc. shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ‘CHR’. They deliver regional aviation to the world. The mission is grow the business by leveraging their regional ...
Air Inuit
Air Inuit's mission is to keep Quebec's northernmost communities connected in the safest possible conditions. We also contribute to their socio-economic development by promoting access to employment for the Inuit. Air Inuit offers regular flights to over ...