A package and two exhibits to discover the pulp and paper industry at the Boréalis museum

Attractions to discover, August 7, 2023 2023-08-07
Photo credit: Mathieu Dupuis

Delve into the rich history of the pulp and paper industry at Boréalis! Located in the Mauricie region, where the Saint-Maurice and St. Lawrence rivers meet, this former industrial site – now a fantastic family-friendly museum – invites you to take a dynamic, interactive tour through the lives of lumberjacks and loggers back in the day. Here’s a fun package and two wonderful exhibits to help you experience this museum to the fullest.

The Museum + Cruise Package: an invitation to navigate back in time

This summer, you’ll get a 20% discount when you purchase an admission to the Boréalis Experience Tour and a ticket for the Histoire sur l’eau excursion. During your visit, you’ll learn more about Quebec’s pulp and paper adventure through different themes, and get to participate in a paper-making workshop and an underground rally.

For the cruise excursion, you’ll embark on an electric boat to explore a natural and human environment that’s sure to give you a whole new perspective on the history of the Saint-Maurice River. It’s the perfect combo to experience something unique at a great price!

Last chance to see the Roots and Identity exhibit

The fascinating Roots and Identity exhibit is set up inside an architectural landmark: the former filtration plant of the Canadian International Paper Company. With a history spanning more than a century, the paper industry is revealed through this exhibit with themes such as logging, the omnipresence of water, the lives of lumberjacks and log drivers, and the construction of working-class districts. You have until October 1 to enjoy this unique encounter between man and machine and to get a better understanding of the great workers of yesteryear and the future challenges of this industry.

Permanent exhibit
Photo credit: Olivier Croteau

Learn about women’s experience in the pulp and paper industry

Hearing about this industry conjures up images of lumberjacks and labourers for thousands of Canadians. But what about mothers and grandmothers? The Femmes de papier (Women of Paper) exhibit (information only available in French on the website) offers a female perspective on an overwhelmingly male-dominated industry. Through various interactive modules, you’ll learn about the daily lives of women from different backgrounds who have contributed to this industry’s history, from the paper-maker’s daughter to the female mill manager. Don’t miss out on this inspiring exhibit, held until September 4, 2023!

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