Regions  >  Destinations  >  Montérégie  >  Au Coeur de la Montérégie

Au Coeur de la Montérégie 

Mid-May to Mid-October
2365, chemin des Patriotes (Exit 29 of Highway 10)
Richelieu (Qc), Canada
J3L 6M6
Au Coeur de la Montérégie - Montérégie
The heart of Monteregie is a must-see agrotourism destination. A mere 30 minutes from Montréal, discover landscapes that invigorate and comfort. Experience the uniqueness of the region and share a smile with a farmer. Travel the roads by car or bike and follow your inspiration. Treat yourself to cider, wine, fruit and delicacies. The land is home to generous artisans. At the heart of Montérégie, true happiness awaits you. With map in hand or on an adventure tour, stock up on homegrown products and some memorable moments.

Mid-May to Mid-October
2365, chemin des Patriotes (Exit 29 of Highway 10)
Richelieu (Qc), Canada
J3L 6M6

On-site activities
Arts and Crafts    
Terroir product    
Sugar Shack    
Guided Tours    
Orchard or Cider Mill    
Les Inédits to take away!
As soon as the tourist information office opens, the boutique, Les Inédits, will be ready to welcome visitors. The boutique offers a wealth of the region’s fine foods and produce so visitors can extend their experience back home. Shelves are loaded with a wide array of products from each exhibitor-producer: cider vinegar, jams, chocolates, cider, jewellery, soaps, etc. Gift packaging is also available.