Activities  >  Natural wonders  >  Bird Watching
Among the best places for bird watching are regional and national parks and interpretation centres. One of the most popular ornithological activities is observing migratory birds. In the spring and fall, thousands of snow geese stop over along the St. Lawrence River. The flocks of birds ripple along the shores like a living tide and when these creatures take flight, observers are treated to a graceful aerial ballet. Canadian geese also put on quite a show, arousing admiration as they cut across the sky in their long “V” formations. There are several perfect sites for bird watching, particularly the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area and the Région de Montmagny, which are some of the snow geese’s preferred areas, the Parc national de Plaisance, which hosts thousands of Canadian geese, and Île Bonaventure, where an immense colony of Northern gannets may be found.
Our suggestions - Bird Watching
Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
A typical example of the Monteregian Hills natural region, Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno has five lakes, an apple orchard with over 850 apple trees ...
Birdwatching in the Nicolet-Yamaska region
Various walking trails are offered on the territory of Nicolet-Yamaska allowing you to easily practice bird watching. The Ecomaritime Park walkway in Anse ...
Zoo sauvage of Saint-Félicien
The Zoo sauvage of Saint-Félicien invites you to take in the magnificent scenery as you climb aboard the Boreal Train to discover the vastness of the Nature ...
48 Suggestions
Bird Watching
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