The Sommet Saint-Sauveur en couleurs is a great way to make the most of fall. Experience thrills on their rides, admire the flamboyant colours of the Laurentian landscape at the top of the mountain, hurtle down the mountain on the slopes of Parc Vélo ...
Thanksgiving will be celebrated "country-style" in the Saint-Sauveur Valley this year! Rain or shine, all of Québec's biggest country music stars will come out to perform at Parc Georges-Filion. Bring your own chair.
A firm belief in the fundamental importance of culture in our society has brought the Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur into the ranks of major arts and culture events staged in Quebec and the rest of Canada each year. FASS is now the largest regional ...
The Festival des Rythmes Latins in the Valley of Saint-Sauveur is a real Cuban party! Discover a Cuban paradise during Labor Day Weekend in the Georges-Filion Park. The park will be kept warm that weekend by rich Cuban culture, traditional Cuban dances ...