Regions  >  Quebec tourist regions  >  Baie-James  >  Mistissini
Mistissini is located in the Baie-James tourist region, about 775 km from Montréal and 599 km from Québec. To plan your next getaway in Mistissini, consult the Attractions, Events and Accommodations directories. To learn more about this municipality, you can also consult Eeyou Istchee Baie-James - Décrochez comme jamais's website.

1252, route 167 Sud
Chibougamau (Qc), Canada
G8P 2X8
1 888 748-8140
Activities to do in the city of Mistissini
Avion, hélicoptère et montgolfière
Expériences et cultures autochtones
Réserve faunique
Chasse et/ou pêche
Site ou parc thématique
Lodging in the city of Mistissini
Pourvoirie  (1)  
Information and services