Regions  >  Quebec tourist regions  >  Nunavik
Situated above the 55th parallel, Nunavik is a vast, virgin territory spread out over 500,000 km2 (310,686 mi2) of land. In a dialect spoken by the area’s Inuit people, the region’s name means “place to live.” The singular beauty of the landscapes makes the region all the more unforgettable. A meteorite collided with the Earth 1.4 million years ago to form Pingualuit, a circular crater 3.4 km wide in diameter (2.1 mi). Since 2004, the site has been designated as a provincial national park. Rainwater and snowmelt are the only sources of water supplying the crater’s deep lake! The Torngat Mountains, a chain where Quebec’s highest summit is found (Mount D’Iberville – 1,646 m [5,420 ft]), provide the perfect habitat for caribou and offer a great challenge for hikers and mountaineers. Land of wide open spaces, this is a destination to be discovered, no matter the season: extended sunlight hours in the summer, snowmobiling and dog sledding in the winter, animal observation during the autumnal caribou migration and magnificent aurora borealis in the spring provide enjoyment all year long. Thanks to numerous outfitters, Nunavik is also a dream location for hunters and fishers seeking new challenges and a change of scenery.

C.P. 779
Kuujjuaq (Qc), Canada
J0M 1C0
1 888 594-3424
Destinations to discover
Nunavik - Le Grand Nord du Québec
Accueillant, beau et sauvage, le Nunavik se trouve dans la région arctique du Québec : un vaste territoire vierge situé au nord du 55e parallèle, bordé ...
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Attractions and events
Parks Nunavik
Nunavik is Québec’s far north, rugged and awe-inspiring. For millennium, the remote geography of this immense territory has served to protect the region ...
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Major citites and towns
Activities to do in the region of Nunavik
Observation de la faune
Site ou parc thématique
Centre de plein air
Observation de la flore
Ski de fond
Chasse et/ou pêche
Expériences et cultures autochtones
Parc national
Vélo de montagne
Randonnée pédestre
Lodging in the region of Nunavik
Centre de vacances (1)  
Pourvoirie  (2)  
Hôtel et auberge (21)  
Information and services
Aéroport  (13)  
Organisme - loisir, sport et plein air  (1)  
Compagnie aérienne  (1)