Activities  >  Agrotourism  >  Terroir Products
Quebec is bursting with flavour! Meet local producers and food artisans who enhance the bounty of the province’s rich, fertile land with passion and know-how. Quebec’s terroir yields delicious products that are a reflection of the regions they come from. Taste them on site, bring them back home with you or offer them as a gift! Choose from getaways for foodies, agri-tourism circuits and gourmet packages. Fill your trip with discoveries of locally made chocolate, cheese and honey and visits to farms and shops where you’ll find fresh, quality foods your taste buds will love!
Our suggestions - Terroir Products
Café Chez-Nous
Café Chez-nous is a happy blend of Italy and California - two places the owner has lived and inspired to create the unique ambiance of the establishment ...
Gourmet Tourism in Bas-Saint-Laurent
The reputation for excellence of the cuisine in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region is matched only by the originality of the dishes developed by renowned chefs ...
Restaurant Le Fougasse
Since 1998, the Fougasse Restaurant has been serving market-fresh cuisine in a very pleasant atmosphere. The monthly table d'hôte, wine cellar, terrace ...
500 Suggestions
Terroir Products
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The Laurentians, the magnificent!
Prices vary
Par Quebecgetaways
Tourisme Petite Nation
Eastern Townships