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Trails in Quebec
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Sentier des cimes Laurentides
Walk above the trees and experience spectacular landscape views! The Sentier des cimes Laurentides is a new essential destination for enjoying nature and admiring its splendor. Located on a magnificent heritage site, the route (nearly 3 km round trip ...
Discover the hiking trails that are perfect for plenty of outdoor activities in the Nicolet-Yamaska region. Choose from a variety of options, including the woodlands, the Parc Écomaritime de l'Anse-du-Port and the multipurpose trails. The beautiful views ...
International Appalachian Trail
In Québec, the International Appalachian Trail is over 650 kilometres long, crossing the Gaspésie from the south-west to the north-east. Whether you go for a day, a week or for a complete hike of the trail (average of 35 to 40 days), the trail offers ...
The Rapids Walkway
Generating mechanical then hydroelectrical energy, the Magog River gorge is the cradle of Sherbrooke’s industrial development. It’s located in the heart of downtown and its network of museums and linked to the Lac-des-Nations Boardwalk. Footbridges overhang ...
Les Marais du Nord
Located 20 minutes from downtown Quebec City, « Les Marais du Nord » marshes is a natural park offering stunning scenery where you can discover the rich fauna and flora in all seasons. This peaceful haven is ideal for bird watching, and offers 8 km of ...
Empire 47 is a must for learning to mountain bike or enjoying a brand new pump track. You can also take a hike up the mountain or grab a bite to eat at the Manor foodtruck near the parking lot. The experience is complete and the view is beautiful. More ...
Sentiers de la Vallée Missisquoi Nord
The Missisquoi Nord Valley is a peaceful area known for its scenic beauty, with meadows, mature forests, waterways and quaint villages. People are drawn here by the desire to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and the pleasure of engaging in a wide variety ...
L'Escapade, les sentiers du Mont-Rigaud
The trails of L'escapade are a favorite spot for a day hike. The 20 km of forest trails surround the Rigaud hill and bypass housing projects, sugar shacks and stables in the region. Combining short and long hikes, the trails offer a wide range of nature ...
Sentiers récréatifs Portneuf
A network of 7 km of mountain bike trails, 3 km of walking trails and a pump track (a beaten-earth track for mountain bike) has been developed behind 451 Gauthier Boulevard in Portneuf. The trails are open every day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from May through ...
The hiking trails of the Bas-Saint-Laurent
Walking is one of the most enjoyable ways to discover the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. A multitude of trails have been laid out throughout the region. It's also an ideal activity to discover the region's colourful fall landscapes. Whether you're a Sunday ...