Three original exhibits to discover at the Musée de la civilisation

Attractions to discover, June 13, 2022 2022-06-13
Pompéi. Cité immortelle
Pompeii. The Immortal City / photo credit: Marie-José Marcotte, Icône

Visiting the Musée de la civilisation is the perfect opportunity to explore original and daring exhibitions that are sure to surprise you. Located in Old Québec City, the museum will transport you this season to three fascinating universes, promising rich discoveries: Pompeii. The Immortal City, My Place and Oh Shit! Welcoming and accessible to all, the Musée de la civilisation offers an experience oriented towards participation and interaction, creating wonder for all ages!

A must-see exhibit: Pompeii. The Immortal City

In the year 79, the rich Roman city of Pompeii is suddenly buried under the rocks and ashes ejected by Vesuvius, a fearsome volcano, its people crystallized for eternity. This tragic end for the inhabitants has fascinated many throughout the centuries. Thanks to Pompeii. The Immortal City, discover more than 110 artifacts echoing a spectacular immersive installation that allows you to feel the spirit of the city and what daily life was like at the time… up until the moment of the volcanic eruption, when the earth shakes under your feet and everything collapses. A unique museum experience, presented until September 11, 2022.

My Place: a new youth exhibition

The museum’s traditional costume workshop will house a brand new children's exhibition, My Place that will run until May 15, 2027. It features a house, from the vestibule to the bedroom to the attic and garden. But be warned, this is definitely not your average house. Under the mischievous eye of the birds that inhabit it, ordinary life becomes extraordinary! Interactivity and curiosity are the keys to exploring every nook and cranny of this fabulous house, designed especially for the little hands of children ages 3 to 8.

Oh Shit!...that’s serious business

Feces, excrement, turd, dung, caca, dump, stool, shit, defecation, bowel movement or crap… Call it what you will, poop is a taboo and misunderstood topic. Yet, there is so much to be said and learned about this universal organic matter! Everybody has to go, regardless of their social ranking, their gender or beliefs! Over the course of the exhibition Oh Shit!, you will discover that understanding poop and our relationship with dejections is a way of learning how humanity lives. Moreover, the exhibition deals with history and anatomy as well as ecological, social and environmental issues, not to mention its representation in art... yes, poop can be a source of inspiration!

Musée de la civilisation
Musée de la civilisation, photo credit: Jessy Bernier, Icône

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