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Under the direction of Van Grimde Corps Secrets, the Malvina site brings together art, heritage, and biodiversity in a fascinating place where nature, culture, and new technologies meet.
Foresta Lumina - Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook
Foresta Lumina is a multimedia nighttime experience along Coaticook’s Canyon. Seven beautiful manuscripts introduce the cast of fictional characters presented through sophisticated lighting, mapped media and original sound tracks. Foresta Lumina invites ...
Glo Golf Aventures
Located in a redesigned church, Glo Golf Aventures offers you an 18-hole course played in the dark and featuring a setting accentuated with black lights. Along our course, you’ll wander through whimsical landscapes, travel under the sea, head into space ...
Sherbrooke invites you to escape to Wellington-sur-Mer, the Centro's new beach destination! In order to provide visitors with pleasant spaces in the heart of the city during the summer, the Wellington North district has been completely redesigned: pop ...
Village de Knowlton
À une centaine de kilomètres au sud-est de Montréal, au bord d’un magnifique lac, Knowlton est un village fleuri et ombragé très animé. Les villégiateurs s’y retrouvent avec plaisir, tant à cause de ses activités aquatiques, qu’en raison de la beauté ...
Village de Frelighsburg
Village de Stanstead
Toute personne férue d'histoire et d'une riche architecture adorera Stanstead. Fondée par des pionniers en provenance de la Nouvelle-Angleterre dans les années 1790, elle grandit en importance pour devenir un arrêt canadien de la diligence Québec-Boston ...
Village de Marbleton
Located at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains and nestled around the small Silver Lake where the beach welcomes bathers in a green valley surrounded by hills, Marbleton took its rise with the exploitation of a limestone deposit (still in operation ...
Village de Stanbridge East
En 1797, après la guerre d’indépendance américaine, des Américains fidèles à l’Angleterre viennent construire un moulin sur le bord de la Rivière aux Brochets. Ainsi naquit le petit village de Stanbridge East, au milieu d’un paysage tout en douceurs. ...