Activities  >  Outdoor activities  >  Hiking
Hiking, whether through forests or over mountains, is certainly one of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors and Quebec’s landscapes. There are hundreds of hiking trails throughout Quebec’s tourist regions, where you can learn much about natural sites and their flora and fauna. National parks and Sépaq wildlife reserves alone have several networks of hiking trails. Parcs Canada also manages several Quebec parks, including the La Mauricie National Park of Canada. The Fédération québécoise de la marche publishes a guide describing the different hiking trail networks in Quebec. With the province’s four seasons, every hike is different, depending on the time of year: enjoy nature’s awakening in the spring, beautiful leafy trees in the summer, multicoloured panoramic views in the fall and snowy peaks in the winter.
Our suggestions - Hiking
Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata
Located in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec, Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata is the latest addition to the network of Quebec’s national parks. At ...
Maison du Marais
La Maison du Marais is a non-profit organization that offers eco-friendly recreational activities. It also conducts research on local plants and wildlife ...
Site de la Nouvelle-France
The Site de la Nouvelle-France allows visitors to immerse themselves in the daily life of the 17th century. Use the walking trail (or take our shuttle ...
526 Suggestions
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