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The Laurentians: A destination as fascinating as ever!
Enjoy a vacation resort, outdoor fun or a relaxing gourmet getaway in the Laurentians.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-06-27
Discover the wonders of Sherbrooke, the heart of the Townships!
Renowned restaurants, unique murals, vibrant culture, tourist attractions.. Sherbrooke is definitely a must-see!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-06-20
Follow the rhythm of Portneuf for your vacation
Take the famous "Chemin du Roy" for a road trip. and discover local markets, restaurants and regional producers.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-06-20
Treat yourself to a summer vacation in Abitibi-Témiscamingue
This summer, every reason is a good reason to explore Abitibi-Témiscamingue, this sublime region in western Quebec.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-06-13
3 activities you won’t want to miss in Bas-Saint-Laurent this summer
This region is known for its cultural experiences, homegrown products and breathtaking scenery.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-05-23
How to make the most of summer while visiting the L’Islet Region
Enjoy the fresh summer air while biking, attending local events and travelling along the Route des Navigateurs.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-05-23
The Tourism Establishment Accessibility Program: a feature on Bleu Lavande
A feature on Bleu Lavande and its efforts to improve accessibility.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-03-28
Plan a winter vacation to the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region!
Abitibi-Témiscamingue is an extraordinary place for winter fun: cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, fishing or snowmobiling.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-02-21
There is plenty to do in Memphrémagog this winter!
Memphrémagog is a choice destination for outdoor activities, agri-tourism and relaxation.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-02-14
Discover what to do this winter in the Coaticook Valley
Let yourself be enchanted by winter and discover what the Coaticook Valley has to reveal under its white coat!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-01-24