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Activities for families who love science and nature at Space for Life
Space for Life, made up of the Biodome, the Biosphere, the Insectarium, the Botanical Garden and the Planetarium, gives you a backstage pass to science and nature.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-06-24
Visiting Centre-du-Québec? Here are 4 ideas based on your type of personality
If you find yourself in the Centre-du-Québec region, you’ll find attractions to suit all tastes. Which should you choose? Let your personality be your guide!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-06-10
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Bleu Lavande with a bunch of beautiful activities
Let yourself fall in love with an enchanting place and enjoy it with your sweetheart, your family, or your loyal four-legged friend!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-06-10
Circus shows, gardens and marine mammals: a perfect trio for a vacation in Bas-Saint-Laurent
See circus shows in an unusual venue, feed your passion for gardening and learn about the fascinating world of belugas!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-05-20
We love spring in Quebec! Here’s why…
Whether you’re looking to go on a day trip or an extended getaway, spring is a time when nature comes back to life, bursting with a palette of experiences and the promise of new discoveries.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-04-08
Pumpkin-picking, birds of prey and more: see the greater Saint-Hyacinthe area in fall mode!
Whether you associate fall with harvests or discoveries out in nature, it is definitely a season to savour!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-10-02
Saint-Hyacinthe, a highlight of the Montérégie region
With its many gourmet and festive experiences, Saint-Hyacinthe comes alive with tons of delightful summer activities and events.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-08-07
Visit Bleu Lavande, the largest lavender farm in Canada!
Enjoy a romantic picnic, a family outing or a chance to admire the blossoms as you take Fido out for a walk!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-07-17
Discover one of the northernmost gardens in North America!
Make the most of your outing at the Reford Gardens!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-07-07
Centre-du-Québec is teeming with well-kept secrets
In addition to its vibrant cities, Centre-du-Québec boasts an array of villages, tourist attractions, regional parks and culinary discoveries.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-06-19