Activities  >  Excursions  >  Interpretation  >  Articles
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A fabulous journey to Ancient Egypt awaits you at <em>Horizon of Khufu</em>
Journey into the past to discover one of the seven wonders of the ancient world: the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-05-20
The Québec City Biennial, the must-see arts exhibit about Canada’s winter
From February 23 to April 28, this one-of-a-kind event shines the spotlight on the work of nearly 100 local, national and international artists.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2024-02-19
Spend a vitamin-packed day out at the Cranberry Interpretation Centre!
Did you know that you can discover the fascinating universe of a lesser-known fruit at the Cranberry Interpretation Centre from September 28 to October 15?
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-09-25
Fall flavours and discovery tours in Centre-du-Québec!
Here are three ways to make the most of fall in Centre-du-Québec, known for its country roads, gourmet flair and cranberry harvest!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-09-18
Grosse Île, a magnificent site steeped in history and emotion
A visit to Grosse Île allows you to follow in the footsteps of the tens of thousands of immigrants who landed on this island, while appreciating the wild beauty of this deeply moving place.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-08-28
Visit Bleu Lavande, the largest lavender farm in Canada!
Enjoy a romantic picnic, a family outing or a chance to admire the blossoms as you take Fido out for a walk!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-07-17
Discover the fascinating world of bees at Miellerie Lune de Miel
When you visit Quebec’s first bee interpretation centre, you are plunged head first into the wonders of the apiary world!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-06-26
Discover the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park, a true natural gem!
Home to nearly 2,200 plant and animal species, this 1,245-km2 marine park will never cease to amaze you this summer!
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-06-05
Discover a sea of activities on a trip to Côte-Nord this summer!
Put aside the constraints of everyday life and go on a road trip to experience the freedom and incredible change of scenery that comes with a vacation to the Côte-Nord region.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2023-05-29
So much to discover at the <em>Canneberge en fête</em> cranberry festival!
Celebrate the 25th edition of this festival about all things cranberry from September 29 to October 16.
Author: Quebecgetaways     
Date : 2022-09-26